Dear Tiffany,
I want to express my excitement about your laptop handbag. While doing Mrs. Marshalls daughter hair, she ask my opinion about the laptop handbag. I could not believe such a bag existed! I have a mobile hair care business. When I travel to my clients, I have to carry all my supplies with me plus my handbag. This has become very cumbersome because sometimes I have to make two trips to my car. I carry my carrying case first and then my handbags. When Mrs. Marshall demonstrated all the functions of the handbag, I could not believe such a bag could be possible. Your creation of this bag is the answer to making my business easier and it caters to my sense of style. Please consider marketing this bag to the hair care industry because many stylists are booth renters. When they leave for the day they must carry all their supplies with them or risk expensive item being stolen. Our supplies can weight as much as 25 to 30 pounds. I can't wait to purchase one. I tried to get Mrs. Marshall to sell me the sample to no avail. In closing, Please notify me when the bag is available.
Candice Allen
I just wanted to let you know that I love your bags and I just can't wait until you officially launch them. As you know I'm a neurodiagnostic technician and I travel all the time. I hate the ugly black bags that the equipment comes in. With your bag at least I have style, professionalism and convenience. Everything fits and it's just the right size as a carry on when I get on a flight. You are a genius
As a mom-entrepreneur with 2 kids, living in NYC and always on the go.... I needed access to a one bag that can carry my laptop and office on the go, with ease. I usually carry 3 bags and each has a significant amount of weight on my shoulders. I have 2 slipped discs, so the pressure becomes uncomfortable. The Tiffany Anisette Bags allows me to be on the go with style and without the pain. I highly recommend The Tiffany Anisette bags to any businesswoman and mom who is looking for style and comfort.
Lucinda Cross, author and founder of Corporate Mom Dropouts
Model/Actress Isis says,
"When I was first told about this designer bag on wheels, I got excited because this meant I could accessorize my work attire in style. Knowing Tiffany and the perfectionist that she is, I am more than confident that the Tiffany Anisette line will be a name that rings in every business and dressing room in the near future."
"We as women carry so much on our shoulders, both literally and figuratively. It's time for us to give our shoulders some relief. Tiffany's Designer Handbags are a quintessential expression of self-love and self-care. And they're stylish too!"
Life & Business Coach, Denise Dyer
(Graduate of Inner Visions Institute, Founded by
best-selling author Iyanla Vanzant)